Michael on Astrology

Astrological Comment from Michael
November 11, 2005

We have often discussed programming the "bio-computer" and of course astrology is a very efficient method of working out the energetic tidal patterns in inherent in this program (ha ha). By being aware of how the specific tidal influences impact the life at any given time, as well as the stresses some of them create, much insight may be gained particularly in regard to those areas of exploration having to do with perception and interaction. Let us remark that for those seeking to assess the nature and impact of the physical plane on ensouled beings astrology offers a kind of "shorthand" and a terminology for the overall perceptions of these pulls and twists on the conduct of any given life. If one may say forewarned is forearmed, then considering astrology as a kind of tactical map might not be inappropriate should you choose to do so.

July 25, 1996

Q. Comment on the action of asteroids in the astrological chart.

In some degree, it depends on where they occur in the chart. If they cluster in a group, their significance is increased, and they often "augment" planets by underscoring or modifying their impact. On their own, they have greater impact as "transit triggers", especially when they serve as a precursor to planetary action. You may, at that point, consider them a "celestial adverb".

Q. Is there validity to the notion that when they conjunct an angle, their significance increases?

All other things being equal, we would agree.

Q. What are the reasons that Michael considers the orb of the "slower-moving planets" to be wider than the "faster-moving ones," when conventional astrology teaches otherwise?

We would have to say that the specific impact of each "tidal influence" that is brought to bear in the movements of these bodies tend to be assessed by a kind of "snobbism", having more to do with planetary brightness and, hence, the importance of the name given than to observed and cross-checked phenomena that would explicate how these factors work in a more "scientific" or empirical manner. Most assumptions of "planetary importance" developed out of pre-empiric thought, when mathematics was as magical as the conjuring of doves. For these reasons if no other, old assumptions have occurred on well past the point when critical assessment could make it possible for these fragments to "rectify" these ancient prejudices.

Q. General comments on astrology.

While it is true that "distant galaxies" occasionally play a role in astrological charts, the occasions are comparatively rare, and have to do with such things as supernovae and galactic interpenetration, whose impact reaches Earth at roughly the same time as the light does, although there are is a kind of "bow wave" which precedes the light by a century or so. With modern telescopes, these particular occurrences are not as apt to take you by "surprise" as in the past, for they may be observed some considerable time before their light arrives "where you are".

Another important aspect (ha-ha-ha) occurs when Pluto slips inside the orbit of Neptune and therefore the question of "outermost", of course, shifts, and some of the "finality" associated with Pluto diminishes during these periods. Although the constellations of the ecliptic are considered to be the "applicable ones", polar constellations, north and south, have a small but measurable impact upon the chart, particularly as regards will and the inter-relationality of the fragment's ability to operate within the limits of the chart.

There is some significance in solar flares, as well. When solar flares occur, they serve to punctuate the state of the chart at the moment the flare occurs. You may consider it a kind of cosmic exclamation point, and the energetic repercussions are, of course, readily recognized.

Q. What is the importance of the East Point in the chart? I've seen it referred to as an "alternate ascendant".

In the sense that geographical north and magnetic north are not the same thing, this point may be considered the "magnetic east" and might be used to adjust interactions and calculations when the chart seems "a little off". The East Point, of course, has added significance when the Moon is present in any significant aspect to it. When the Moon is "before" the East Point, the rising and the East Point are "pulled closer together". When the Moon is "after" the East Point, it might be said to pull them further apart.

What are astrological factors that point to the previous incarnations?

Anything that might focus on unfinished work or long-term progress might be said to contribute to these perceptions. Also, to some degree, angles to the twelfth house may indicate whether the last exit was premature. When significant portions of the chart are below the horizon, past-life considerations are often more active in the fragment's present life. When significant amounts of chart activity are above the horizon, the past life tends to be less active in the life. Occasionally in bowl-shaped charts, the interrelationships of planets and houses can give an indication of to what degree the past is acting on the present. These are, of course, generalizations, and specific information would apply, of course, to specific charts.

November 15, 1996

Q. In astrology, is there a correlation between the expression of Essence and the placement of planetary patterns?

In general, we would say that the cart is before the horse in this instance, in that planetary aspects that reinforce the Essence or the Cycle are apt to be more significant because of Essence impact than because of the planetary "alignments" presuppose such impact. In other words, Scholars with earth signs or "Scholarly planetary influences" will have the Scholarness reinforced. Scholars with small amounts of earth in their charts (ha ha ) or less significant planetary placements in regards to Scholars, will tend to have an outwardly less scholarly appearance. Inspiration Polarity "types" will do the same with air signs and air-related planets, reinforcing aspects that are present or dampened by their lack. The same can be said of water and Expression Polarity or fire and Action Polarity. Incidentally, in terms of the "inner self", aspects and placement of the Moon are more "significant" than those of the Sun, and as we have said before, planetary placement in Midheaven is important to the thrust of the life, especially when it reinforces the Essence. When it does not reinforce the Essence, it is often apparent that the fragment has a "spin" on the manifestation of Essence that in its most public form will draw heavily on the nature of Midheaven.

Q. Are aspects more important than the planets in signs?

In general, of course, a preponderance of planets in any part of the chart makes placement much more significant.

Q. Comment on my observation of the placement of the Moon as an indicator of physical vulnerability:

Certainly, when all other aspects support this interpretation, we would agree that it is valid. However, third-, eighth-, and twelfth-house concerns may tend to modify the degree of lunar impact.

Q. Why the third?

We might say this has to do with the degree of intrusion that illness is apt to make in a life, as well as the general response or interpretation of its presence by those "concerned", including incidentally, physicians (impression of how the illness is presented to the primary physician)

June 1998

Q. What role does Saturn play as regards past lives?

Saturn will tend to have about it the "left-overs" from the immediate previous incarnation, particularly if the life was interrupted. It also has a great deal to do with the degree to which this life has been predicated upon issues on the immediate past life, and may reveal to which extent the past-past has maintained its hold on the fragment in question. When the immediate past life has been completed, the Saturn "hangover" is of course diminished.

Q. Aspects to Saturn with regards to separating and applying aspects.

It's the past versus present application. In general, we would agree. Of course, each case is, of course, individual. Six times out of seven, separation aspects are from the past, which is "intrinsically obvious".

April 19, 1999

Are there astrological themes among Cadence mates?

A. We would say, rather, that there is a kind of "predisposition" to certain aspects within the chart, some of which are complimentary and some of which are reciprocal. Of course there can be circumstances external to the process that affect the "fine tuning", such as but not limited to induced labor and C-sections. We would think that, in most instances, Cadence mates, Task Companions, and Essence Twins will have compatible "charts", particularly when interaction among these fragments is part of "the plan". When such association is not "planned", reciprocity of charts are [sic] less an issue, though, in fact, it may be a choice to enable the Cadence to maintain its continuity. Incidentally, charts often reflect Casting Order within the Cadence as much as any other aspect of the chart activity. The only time this is not necessarily seen is when karma is involved, in which case the chart will tend to reflect patterns of "owed" and "owing", rather than reciprocity or continuity. We remind you, of course, that a Cadence is a totality, and the charts of the participants on [in?] one are likely to reflect that totality.

Q. Expansion on the idea of Casting Order and astrology. Is it like the first case is an Aries, the second is a Gemini, the third a Virgo, the fourth a Libra, etc.?

Occasionally it is that "obvious". Sometimes it is the "balance" of the chart, and it often has to do with the interrelation between Sun and Moon as well as house activity. In many instances, a preponderance of planets in one house will reveal something about the nature of Casting.

Q. Is there an "intersection" of sorts for Cadence or Entity mates? For example, all the Entity I know has a chart point at 3 Virgo.

Not in all cases, but in a great many, particularly when karma is not involved.

November 16, 2001

Q. If I were to do a chart of the U.S.A., what would be the birthtime?

3:48 p.m. on July 3, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. That marks the time of the last signature on the Declaration of Independence, and there is actually a signing window of about ninety minutes from first to last signatures of that day. It was hot.

Q. Why was there a ninety-minute signing window?

[Because they had to make a speech before they signed it.]

What would they consider the birth time for the city of New York?

The signing of the Charter of New Amsterdam in 1648; specifically, February 24, 1648 at 11:20 A.M. in what would now be lower Manhattan.

January 1, 2002

How useful is the January 1, 2002 midnight chart in giving a theme for the year?

In terms of stresses and potentialities, we would say that it is a fairly accurate depiction of those factors, and although it cannot predict choice, it can reveal inclinations that affect choice.

What is apt to be most clear is an interpretative view ­ in other words, the way in which general cultural reactions may evaluate events. For example: should a war break out between India and Pakistan, various governments and cultures would have their own "take" on such a misfortune, but the overall tenor of world response could be seen in the alignments of the chart.

We would have to say that this particular approach is like a bas-relief frieze in which some of the shapes are revealed, through which the rest of the shapes are to be implied [sic], and those implications are of course influenced by cultural paradigms and expectations. But there is still an overall "agreement" of response that may be described as paracultural, and it is that paracultural response the chart depicts.