Seeking Patterns: Part Two
December 16, 2006To continue our observations on the "human tendency to seek to define patterns in life, we would have to say that there are indeed patterns in life which have been the subject of our discussion regarding fractals and algorithms, but because the initial pattern seeking begins at birth, it is not uncommon for perceived relationalities to be subsumed in a pattern that is in fact not a valid one, in that it is neither a fractal nor an environmental image, but often a partial amalgam of both. It is these unconnected patterns that become the earliest personal truths for many fragments which not only establishes the basis for the expression of personality, but affect the way in which all subsequent patterns and knowledge are processed and understood. That is not to say that all infancy understandings are incorrect, we did not say that nor did we mean to imply it, but we are aware that these "cross bred" patterns can tend to dominate the life because they are the earliest validated and because they are "registered" in the brain while the brain is still developing.
As we have indicated before and scientific studies will agree, brain development in your species does not in fact conclude until approximately 20 years of age, although there is considerable variation of three years in each direction. Until that time, full "processing" of information and experience is of necessity on a different footing than those occurring after that period. In the present society, that tends to coincide with Third Internal Monad, but of course until very recently, Third Internal Monad occurred at age fourteen and in many societies still does. By aligning the Third Monad with the full development of the brain, a more comprehensive transit occurs. It is neither an improvement nor a detriment to other arrangements, it is merely the question of longevity and physiology. All these factors have in fact coincided with the extension of life expectancy curves and the cultural expectations that accompany them. This has of course brought about a shift in cultural fractals and we would have to say that it is not entirely complete in that much of the cultural expectations are still aligned with the "curves" of a century ago. Because of the speed of development of technological devices and demands, the degree to which a fragment in this culture must prepare in order to function in the culture has quadrupled in complexity in the last 50 years, and it is not unlikely that this particular curve will continue for the "foreseeable future".
As many are aware, generation lag not only exists, but has become increasingly difficult to bridge, especially for those who have not yet done Third Monad, and are therefore unprepared to deal with the personal truth of others or the level of e/d marking the youth of 40 years ago with the youth of present. This is true to a greater or lesser degree among the technically developed world. While fractals do not inherently conflict they can sometimes disconnect, which is what can be observed in what might be called the "generation gap" or generation lag in society.